Palatine Car Accident and Personal Injury Lawyer | Staver
Personal Injury

Palatine Car Accident and Personal Injury Lawyer

Although you might not plan for injury accidents, that doesn’t mean they’re rare in Illinois. The number of fatal car crashes has been climbing recently, according to the Illinois Department of Transportation. Although not every accident will cause death, you should be ready for the worst-case scenario when your life gets interrupted.

Injury accident victims are entitled to compensation from the liable party. Working with a knowledgeable personal injury lawyer like the ones at Staver Accident Injury Lawyers, P.C. can give you the best chance at maximum recovery. Let us help you with your Palatine, IL accident needs, no matter how you were hurt.

We Take on a Variety of Personal Injury Cases

Personal injury cases cover a broad practice area of the law, describing many different accidents. Under Illinois law, you can recover compensation when someone’s negligence or reckless actions hurt you or damages your property. Car accidents are some of the most well-known personal injury cases. You might also get injured on the job by a defective product or get hurt from a slip-and-fall.

We can help you with your:

What Kind of Injuries Happen in Palatine Accidents?

Some accidents can cause similar injuries, but your case will be unique to how you’re injured. You could have more than one injury. Each will need to be examined for your insurance claim.

Some examples of injuries in Palatine include:

  • Neck and back injuries
  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Spinal Cord Injuries
  • Broken or fractured bones
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
  • Burns
  • Knee Injuries

How Illinois’ Personal Injury Laws Work

Under Illinois law, you could be entitled to a personal injury claim after someone harms you or your property. It’s a type of tort system; several laws rule when you can file a claim and how much you might recover. Our Illinois personal injury lawyers will be able to discuss your Palatine case details to help you calculate your possible compensation.

How Does Negligence Affect My Personal Injury Case?

To win your personal injury claim, you must prove that the at-fault party caused your injuries or damages through negligent or reckless behavior. Your case is built on your lawyer’s ability to prove the liable party’s negligence. In a legal sense, negligence means someone was supposed to uphold a duty of care, but if they didn’t, someone else got injured.

When someone is supposed to act reasonably, but they don’t and someone gets hurt, they can be found negligent. Your attorney must prove the elements of a negligence case to win compensation.

The Elements of Negligence

There are four parts to every negligence claim: duty, breach of duty, causation, and damages. To win your claim, your attorney must prove each of these elements by showing that the other party:

  • Had a duty to act carefully
  • They weren’t being careful
  • They contributed to the accident that hurt you
  • Those injuries cost you

For context, drivers should not be driving under the influence while they’re on the road. If they cause an accident while under the influence, you need to show they were impaired when they should have been sober and focused, and that they caused you harm. In other circumstances, a driver most likely would not be driving under the influence, and the accident could have been avoided.

What Compensation is Available in Personal Injury Claims?

Payouts for personal injury claims change based on the circumstances of each case. You can pursue non-economic and economic damages under Illinois personal injury law.

Also known as monetary losses, your economic damages are out-of-pocket costs. These can be easier to calculate with good record-keeping. You can pursue compensation for your past and future expenses, like your medical bills, lost wages, or property damage.

Non-economic losses might be more complicated to calculate. These damages are conceptual and result from your monetary losses. You might seek damages for your mental anguish, post-traumatic stress disorder, or a change in the quality of life after the accident.

What Can Affect My Illinois Insurance Claim?

Consider anything that might reduce your claim or prevent you from collecting compensation. Illinois’ statute of limitations is two years for personal injury claims. That’s your deadline to file a claim, starting on the day of your accident. There are exceptions, but in most cases, if you miss the deadline, you lose your claim to compensation.

You might also experience complications if the defendant argues you shared fault for your accident. Your payout could be reduced because of “comparative negligence. If the defendant proves your actions contributed to the accident, any settlement will be reduced by the same proportion of the blame.

So, if you were hit by another driver as you turned off East Palatine Road onto North Hicks Road, you might have a claim to compensation if they were speeding. But if they prove you didn’t have the right of way, you might be liable for your injuries. Say you won $100,000, but the court rules you were 15% responsible for the crash. In this situation, you’d only receive $85,000. In Illinois, you can pursue compensation if you share less than 50% of the blame.

What Should I Do After an Accident in Palatine?

The aftermath of an accident can be stressful. It’s understandable because accidents can be traumatizing. You should remember to take these crucial steps to secure the best chance at getting compensation.

  • Seek medical treatment — you need a professional’s opinion of your injuries. It’s essential for your health and can bolster your insurance claim. If you aren’t taken from the scene of the accident, schedule an appointment as soon as possible. Check out Northwest Community Hospital in Arlington Heights for emergency treatment.
  • Notify Your Insurance — you need to contact your insurer and the at-fault party’s insurer of your intent to file a claim. This will start the claims process.
  • Contact an Illinois Personal Injury Lawyer — when you’ve been hurt in Palatine, you need help from a personal injury lawyer with experience. They can help with your claim and ensure you’re on the road to recovery.

What do I Need to Prove My Claim?

Even if your case seems easy to win, you still have to prove the at-fault party was responsible for your damages. You need evidence and a comprehensive argument. You can start building your case after the accident.

You can use police reports, incident reports, photos, videos, and expert testimony. Your attorneys can help you dig through possible leads and anything that could dispute your claim. Some cases will have more documentation available than others, so it’s critical to work with an attorney who can help you find every thread possible.

Is an Illinois Personal Injury Lawyer Necessary?

It is possible to file a claim after a Palatine accident without legal representation. But you really shouldn’t have to deal with the stress of fighting insurance companies alone after their client hurt you. You might not be able to return to work, and your expenses could keep increasing. If your injuries are severe enough, you may not even be able to return to your previous role. However, an experienced attorney can help you build a case and search for every damage you can recover.

Not only will your lawyer be able to work with the at-fault party’s insurance company, but they can also use their knowledge of Illinois tort claims to ensure you’re pursuing the maximum compensation available. They can closely examine your case, find weaknesses in the defendant’s case, handle negotiations, and help you create a path to recovery. Your lawyer should care about your health and your case, seeing you for more than a payout.

Call Our Illinois Personal Injury Lawyers Now

If you’re hurt in Palatine because of someone’s reckless behavior, you deserve the representation that will help you recover your damages. At Staver Accident Injury Lawyers, P.C., we know that accidents can be traumatic. We’re ready to fight for you, to ensure your claim is heard and that all your legal bases are covered.

Our team of seasoned personal injury lawyers have successfully recovered millions in compensation for our clients. We use a “no win, no fee” policy, meaning you don’t pay if we don’t win your case. If you’ve been hurt in Palatine, you need our help. Call (312) 236-2900 or send a form for a free consultation.

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