Chicago Jackknife Truck Accident Lawyers | Staver
Truck Accidents

Chicago Jackknife Truck Accident Lawyers

The U.S. relies on semi-trucks to bring goods across the country; they make up nearly 73% of the nation’s freight. However, commercial vehicles pose a serious threat to other drivers because of their size and cargo. You might expect drivers on the road to drive safely, but there is always a chance of severe injuries when a semi-truck driver isn’t paying attention or dangerous road conditions arise. With the help of experienced personal injury attorneys, you could recover compensation for a crash with a jackknifed truck.

The truck accident lawyers at Staver Accident Injury Lawyers, P.C., are prepared to hear your case. They have the experience necessary to help, with a background in personal injury cases.

What Are Jackknife Truck Accidents?

A truck will jackknife when its trailer comes to an acute angle with the truck. The shape looks like a pocketknife.

Although jackknifing can happen at low speeds, they become dangerous when the truck moves quickly. A jackknifed truck could end up in a ditch, cross lanes of traffic, collide with other vehicles, or block traffic flow. After a jackknife, a large commercial vehicle could roll over or spill potentially hazardous cargo.

What Can Cause Jackknife Accidents in Chicago?

Jackknife incidents can be caused by several reasons, but negligence is typically involved. Jackknifing commonly occurs when a truck slows down rapidly, and the trailer’s momentum pushes it forward past the cab.

Jackknifing can occur after:

  • Negligent Braking: Truck drivers are usually held to higher standards because their vehicles are much larger than passenger vehicles and need to deliver their cargo safely. If a driver isn’t paying attention and brakes improperly, they could cause a jackknifing accident.
  • Poor Maintenance: Although commercial vehicles are routinely inspected and repaired, incidents can occur when an operator or a trucking company neglects to make proper repairs.
  • Improper Truck Operation: Just like passenger vehicle drivers, truck drivers are expected to pay attention to the road and traffic around them. However, if they’re driving distractedly, driving under the influence, or recklessly, they could crash.
  • Equipment Malfunctions: Sometimes, equipment can fail. Commercial vehicles are complex machines; systems could malfunction, leading to a jackknife crash.
  • Speeding: Semi-trucks’ primary function is to deliver cargo. Although there are operating standards for truck drivers regarding safe practices, some drivers feel they must drive faster than the legal limit to get ahead of their deadline. This could lead to crashes.
  • Improperly or Overloaded Trailers: There are specific ways trucks should be loaded to ensure the cargo rides safely and to limit risks on the road. If a trailer isn’t properly loaded, that’s one aspect of liability that isn’t necessarily the driver’s fault. Semi-trucks have a higher center of gravity, and loading them incorrectly could lead to crashes.

What Kind of Injuries Can a Jackknife Crash Cause?

Like crashes with passenger vehicles, a collision with a large commercial vehicle could cause significant injuries, like:

What Kind of Compensation Is Available After a Jackknife Accident?

Jackknifing accidents can cause severe injuries, so you’ll likely spend a significant amount on treatment, even with insurance.

If you or a loved one are hurt or killed in a jackknifing accident, you may be eligible for damages like:

Under the Illinois statute of limitations, you’ll have to file a personal injury claim two years after the accident. There can be exceptions, so working with an experienced personal injury lawyer is critical to secure your compensation.

What Should I Do After a Chicago Jackknifed Truck Crash?

If you’re hurt because of a jackknifed truck, you’ll probably receive medical care at the scene or be taken to a healthcare facility. Keep track of any diagnoses, prescriptions, or treatments you receive for your injuries. You can ask for documents and receipts throughout your recovery process.

Like crashes with passenger vehicles, you’ll want to take photos or videos of the scene. Talk to witnesses. This information will be helpful in your personal injury claim.

Law enforcement will probably respond to the scene because jackknifing accidents can cause considerable delays or slow traffic down immensely. You’ll want to retrieve a report from the responding agency, like the Chicago Police Department or the Illinois State Police.

These reports will have details about the accident, like the date and time, who was involved, and the aftermath. Some reports include causes of crashes, but sometimes specific causes require further investigation.

You’ll also want to contact a Chicago truck accident lawyer. They can help organize your case and move forward with a claim. They’ll ensure you’re receiving proper medical care and track the cost of your expenses. A knowledgeable truck accident lawyer will know when an insurance company is offering you a lowball settlement.

Insurance companies are profit-driven. They often offer lowball settlements to victims hoping the matter will be resolved quickly. However, you’ll likely have long-lasting injuries and expenses if you’ve been injured by a jackknifed truck. You shouldn’t accept a lowball offer for something with far-reaching effects on your life.

How Do You Prove Negligence Caused a Jackknife Truck Accident?

Truck accidents become very complicated when examining who is at fault. In a passenger vehicle crash, the liability is commonly limited to the drivers involved, although road conditions can play a factor. When looking at a truck accident, several parties could be held responsible for causing a jackknifing truck.

  • Truck Driver: As the person behind the wheel during the crash, the driver was responsible for driving safely. Their actions could have led to the crash. Black boxes and dash cams could prove negligence.
  • Truck Driver’s Employer: This person is responsible for vetting and reviewing their employee thoroughly. If they did not properly screen or train the truck driver, they could be liable for any reckless actions resulting in wrecks. Their personnel files and records could be helpful in your case.
  • Truck Maintenance Technician: Before the truck is used, it needs to be maintained and inspected. If a maintenance tech doesn’t do their job properly, and that lax behavior causes a crash, they could be held accountable. Maintenance reports will help support your case.
  • The Person Who Loaded the Truck: Trucks need to be loaded properly to operate safely. If an employee doesn’t load the truck adequately, resulting in a crash, they could be to blame. Personnel files and inventory sheets can help your case.

Truck accident cases must be thoroughly investigated, so the negligent parties are identified and held responsible. A knowledgeable truck accident lawyer will know how to examine your case and help you find the evidence needed to secure your claim. Trucking companies typically have more resources than you have alone, so an attorney can level the field.

Contact Staver Accident Injury Lawyers

You need to call a seasoned personal injury lawyer if you’re injured in a jackknifing accident. Staver Accident Injury Lawyers, P.C., is the firm for you. We have decades of experience to support you in your truck accident case. Insurance companies and trucking companies will try to whittle down your claim, but we’ll support you and fight for your compensation. Reckless drivers and their employers must be held accountable when they cause a crash.

Call (312) 236-2900 or use our online contact form to schedule a consultation.

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