Fatal Truck Accident Lawyer in Illinois | Staver
Truck Accidents

Fatal Truck Accident Lawyer in Illinois

A fatal truck accident changes your life forever. You have lost a loved one, and this grief can be debilitating. Moreover, the crash leaves you with a financial burden that only adds to your challenges.

A Chicago fatal truck accident lawyer with Staver Accident Injury Lawyers, P.C. can help you win compensation for your loss. While wrongful death compensation won’t bring back your loved one, it can help protect you and your family from financial burdens caused by someone’s reckless act.

Get a free case assessment. Call (312) 236-2900 today.

Why Hire a Chicago Fatal Truck Accident Attorney

We understand you might be hesitant to call a law firm when you think insurance will take care of you. Many people who call us aren’t sure whether they need an attorney. We urge you to schedule a consultation with us to learn more about how we can help.

Trucking companies and their insurers don’t hand over settlements easily or quickly. They won’t have your best interests at heart and will try to minimize how much your case costs them. They’re more likely to push you into a cheaper settlement because they tend to put profits over people.

A Chicago fatal truck accident lawyer will fight for what you deserve after a devastating truck accident.

We Build You a Strong Fatal Truck Accident Claim

Figuring out what happened to cause a truck accident and who is at fault is complicated. It’s also hard to know whether a truck defect or trucking company negligence was involved without an in-depth investigation. It’s often necessary to file a lawsuit and go through the discovery process to gather business documents and the truck’s electronic data. These can be key pieces of information.

Your fatal truck accident lawyer will help you understand your rights and the different ways you could recover wrongful death damages.

You Could Recover Compensation with a Wrongful Death Claim

A wrongful death claim can protect your legal rights as a surviving family member. The purpose of this claim is to compensate you for the losses you face because of your loved one’s death.

Under the Illinois Wrongful Death Act, children and surviving spouses may file a wrongful death lawsuit to recover damages. Surviving parents or siblings might be able to file a wrongful death claim if there is no spouse or children.

You Could Be Awarded Wrongful Death Damages

Wrongful death compensation can pay for:

  • Funeral and burial expenses
  • The loss of your loved one’s income
  • The loss of your loved one’s services
  • The loss of your loved one’s love and companionship
  • Surviving relatives’ mental anguish

You only have two years from the date of your loved one’s death to file a claim. It takes time to gather evidence, interview witnesses, and give the insurance company a chance to offer a fair settlement.

We Gather Evidence for the Insurance Claim

We deal with the insurance claim and court proceedings while you rest and spend time with your family.

We begin truck accident cases with a thorough investigation, including gathering any evidence immediately available, including:

  • Police report
  • Photos of the crash scene
  • Truck’s black box – digital recorder
  • Witness statements
  • Trucking or accident reconstruction expert, if needed

We’ll communicate with the insurance companies. Let us handle the phone calls with the adjusters and paperwork. You don’t want to sign any waivers or give a recorded statement without talking to a lawyer first.

We Evaluate Your Damages

We’ll work closely with your family to assess your financial and emotional injuries, which are called damages. We’ll guide you in documenting your losses. That’s how we gather evidence to pursue the full value of your wrongful death claim.

Once we have a good understanding of your case, we’ll discuss your options for recovering compensation. This usually begins with your attorney filing an insurance claim. We may also file a wrongful death lawsuit at the same time to show that we are serious about your financial recovery.

While most wrongful death claims are settled pretrial, Staver Accident Injury Lawyers, P.C. aren’t afraid to take truck accident cases before a jury if that’s in your best interests.

How Truck Accidents Are Different from Car Accidents

Truck accidents are far more complex than car accidents for many reasons. That’s why we recommend hiring a Chicago fatal truck accident lawyer. We know what to expect during a fatal truck accident claim, including potential complications and defenses.

In a car accident, you’re probably in your vehicle and are involved in a crash because of another individual’s negligence. You can file a claim against the liable party’s insurer and recover compensation.

More Serious Injuries

Due to trucks’ massive size and weight, collisions often lead to more catastrophic and fatal injuries, including traumatic brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, and internal organ damage.

Multiple Responsible Parties

Many truck drivers are employees of a trucking company. Usually, you can hold a truck driver’s employer responsible for its negligence or its employee’s carelessness. However, if a malfunction in the truck caused the accident, you may sue the manufacturer.

Because there are many potentially liable parties, you may want to work with a lawyer to identify and communicate with everyone who caused or contributed to your loved one’s passing.

Legal Violations

Truck drivers and trucking companies must obey numerous state and federal regulations. When they don’t follow these regulations, they could be at fault for a crash. Our attorneys always look for regulatory violations. Evidence of a truck driver or trucking company breaking the law might support your claim.

Common Causes of Fatal Truck Accidents

Some of the most common causes of these fatal truck accidents include:

  • Distracted Driving: When truckers eat, drink, text, fumble with their radio controls, or engage in another activity that distracts them from the road, they are likely to cause an accident.
  • Fatigued Driving: Truck drivers often work long hours and feel exhausted while behind the wheel, and put themselves at a higher risk for an accident.
  • Speeding: Truck drivers must be especially careful about driving at a safe speed to avoid collisions. Large commercial trucks can’t stop or swerve quickly.
  • Unsecured Cargo: There are strict regulations to keep cargo transported by trucks safely secured. If truck drivers and those loading the cargo ignore these regulations, a crash may arise.
  • Faulty Truck Equipment: A defective piece of equipment on a truck could fall off or fail and lead to a collision.
  • Improper Maintenance: Truck companies are required to maintain their vehicles properly. A lack of appropriate maintenance can lead to accidents.

Fatal Truck Accident Statistics

According to the U.S. Department of Transportation, roughly 5,000 fatalities were caused by truck accidents. In Illinois alone, there were 11,741 crashes involving tractor-trailers and 114 fatalities in 2019. Tractor-trailers accounted for 3.8% of all crashes that year but were the cause of 10.7% of all fatal crashes. Of those killed in a tractor-trailer accident, 89 were occupants in the other vehicle.

Contact a Chicago Fatal Truck Accident Lawyer Today

It is not unseemly to pursue compensation and justice when someone’s reckless act took your loved one’s life. Truck accidents that cause someone’s death are devastating and complex. Proving negligence in a crash where a family member has died requires an investment of time, experience, and resources. It’s more than one person, or family can typically handle.

Let a fatal truck accident attorney at Staver Accident Injury Lawyers, P.C., pursue the compensation you deserve.

Get a free consultation today. Call (312) 236-2900.

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(312) 236-2900
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