Nursing Care in Personal Injury Cases | Staver Accident Injury Lawyers, P.C.
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Nursing Care in Personal Injury Cases

Written by Jared Staver

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Jared Staver is a Personal Injury Lawyer based in Chicago, Illinois and has been practicing law for over 20 years.

Jared Staver

CATEGORY: Personal Injury

Chances are, you’ve encountered nurses many times in your life. Nurses play a pivotal role in the healthcare industry, but they often don’t get the respect they deserve. This week – May 6–12 – is National Nurses Week, making this the perfect opportunity to celebrate those caring souls who have helped you in your time of medical need.

Let’s face it – when you visit the doctor or ER, who is the first person you see? It’s a nurse. While doctors are there to manage your condition as a whole, nurses are the ones who do all the assessing, communicating, and coordinating. If you’ve ever been involved in a personal injury case – such as a car accident, slip and fall, or dog bite – you’re alive today thanks to the excellent nursing care you received.

If you’re ever injured due to the fault of someone else, seek medical care first and then contact the Chicago personal injury lawyers at Staver Accident Injury Lawyers, P.C.. Nurses can provide primary care while a solid legal team can offer you additional options. Call us today at (312) 236-2900.

Where to Find Nurses

While most nurses – more than 57 percent – are found in hospitals, they are found in more than a dozen other facilities as well. You’ll also find them in doctor’s offices, nursing homes, government agencies, outpatient centers, and schools. They all play the same role – caring for your injuries and illnesses.

Roles of Nurses

Nursing is a tough, but rewarding, profession. Nurses have various roles and must perform numerous duties. They are not simply doctors’ assistants. Doctors cannot do everything on their own, which makes nurses an essential part of the healthcare system.

First and foremost, nurses are caregivers. They are there to care for you. This level of care depends on the patient. Some are seriously ill or injured and require a higher level of care than those who simply need a shot.

Nursing care also requires making decisions and communicating these decisions with others. In some healthcare scenarios, nurses are forced to think on their feet, make sound decisions, and explain these decisions to doctors and other staff.

Nurses also manage your care and serve as your advocate. They are there to protect your rights, meet your needs, and ensure you receive the best medical care possible.

Getting Legal Help After an Injury

Nurses have a huge responsibility to care for patients following any type of injury. Even if you suffered an injury caused by another party, you can bet that the nurse that you saw in the doctor’s office or emergency room played a huge role in your recovery. Without a nurse present to monitor your vital signs, give medication, and keep you comfortable, your condition may have even deteriorated.

While getting the medical care you need is very important following an accident, getting legal help is also critical. Nursing care is not cheap, and legal assistance can help you recover compensation from the liable party. Without money to pay for medical bills, your medical care and recovery could be delayed.

While the nurses help you recover, the Chicago personal injury lawyers at Staver Accident Injury Lawyers, P.C. will fight for your legal rights. To learn more about how our attorneys can help you with your personal injury case, give us a call at (312) 236-2900.

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