A public-private safety initiative currently piloted in Nebraska might become the model the rest of the U.S. adopts to combat the persistent uptick in highway accidents. Called the Trooper in a Truck program, the new approach to cracking down on negligent motorists could set the pace for how state police monitor the roads to put a stop to the bad habits of dangerous drivers. Moreover, the innovative program gives troopers a firsthand look at how those behind the wheel of the semi-trailers in which they now ride shotgun handle the road.
While Illinois has yet to implement this program, it is one to watch closely to determine if and how well it works. After all, any effort to make the highways safer is worth consideration. Contact Staver Accident Injury Lawyers, P.C. at (312) 236-2900 if either you or a loved one has been hurt in a trucking accident because one of our truck accident lawyers in Chicago can help.
As KETV 7 Omaha reports, drivers in the state may not know big brother is watching, but that is exactly the intent of Trooper in a Truck. A new program recently launched in the state strives to save lives by cracking down on motorists whose negligence jeopardizes others’ safety. At the heart of its anticipated success is a unique collaboration between the Nebraska State Patrol and the Nebraska Trucking Association.
Trooper in a Truck does what the name says – it places state troopers in the passenger seat of semi-trailers. It essentially blends the job of a trooper with the viewing vantage of a truck driver for the first time. That gives troopers a better view of life-threatening behaviors on the roadways and the people behind them.
Now troopers can see who changes lanes without signaling, texts while driving, and follows too closely. Trooper in a Truck allows a trooper to take immediate action by calling another officer driving in a cruiser traveling ahead of the semi-truck so that officer can pull over the offender. Doing so will hopefully avoid the next – and potentially fatal – violation.
Even beyond simply catching bad drivers by peering down on them from on high, Trooper in a Truck lets officers observe the truckers they ride with as well as those they pass on the highway. Troopers will now be in a better position to crack down on truck drivers’ dangerous habits, too, which are many times to blame for the pain and suffering of those with whom they share the road.
Rolling Trooper in a Truck out nationally could be great for Chicago, but Staver Accident Injury Lawyers, P.C. is still the firm of choice for those who have suffered in a trucking accident. We can help in these unfortunate circumstances thanks to our experience and knowledge. Learn how we can make a difference by calling (312) 236-2900 to schedule a free consultation.