How to Make a Car Accident Police Report | Staver Accident Injury Lawyers, P.C
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How to Make a Car Accident Police Report

Written by Jared Staver

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Jared Staver is a Personal Injury Lawyer based in Chicago, Illinois and has been practicing law for over 25 years.

Jared Staver

CATEGORY: Auto Accidents

You are backing out of a parking space when a car whizzes by you and sideswipes your vehicle. The damage seems minimal, so you just let it slide. A month later, you find out that the car has several thousand dollars in damage and you are now experiencing neck problems from the accident. You didn’t get the other driver’s information, so now you’re stuck. That’s why you always need to file a police report for a car accident.

A police report is a good idea for even a minor accident. It can ensure your rights are protected and help you recover compensation from the liable party. Even if a police officer does not arrive at the accident scene, you can still file a report and protect yourself.

A police report offers many benefits, but to pursue a claim against the liable party, contact an auto accident attorney at Staver Accident Injury Lawyers, P.C. Call us today at (312) 236-2900 for a free, initial consultation.

Filing a Police Report

The first step after an accident after you confirm everyone is safe is to call the police. If no injuries are involved or if the property damage is minor, a police officer may not come. This does not mean you cannot file a report.

You can file a report in person at your local police department or in many cases, you can make a report online. You can also file a report with the DMV. It’s a good idea to fill out as much documentation as possible to support your claim.

Even if you think you may be at fault, you should still file a police report. This may help you in the event that the injured driver makes up a fake injury.

If the police officer does come to the accident scene, they will interview you and all the other parties involved. Discuss the details of the accident and completely answer all questions. The more information you include, the more evidence you will have to back up your claim. Include photos of the accident scene, the damage, and gather witnesses who can support what happened.

The report will then be submitted to the appropriate department and after a few days, you will be able to obtain a copy of the report. Your insurance company will want this if you file a claim. Additionally, if you plan to file a personal injury lawsuit, your lawyer will also require a copy.

Protect Yourself with a Police Report

A seemingly minor car accident can quickly turn into an expensive situation. The repair shop may find hidden damage that can add thousands of dollars to your bill. That minor fender bender may result in a diagnosis of whiplash or cause muscle pain a month later.

You don’t know what the future will hold, so protect yourself with a police report. Even for minor damage, a report can expedite the claims process with your insurance company and help get your car in working order quickly.

Our car accident attorneys serve clients throughout the Chicago area, including Aurora, Elgin, Hinsdale, Joliet, Naperville, and Waukegan. If you were injured in a car crash, make sure you get the compensation you deserve. Call the attorneys at Staver Accident Injury Lawyers, P.C. at (312) 236-2900 to schedule a free consultation with an experienced lawyer.

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