What To Do Immediately After An Accident With A Pedestrian In Illinois | Staver Accident Injury Lawyers, P.C.
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What To Do Immediately After An Accident With A Pedestrian In Illinois

Written by Jared Staver

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Jared Staver is a Personal Injury Lawyer based in Chicago, Illinois and has been practicing law for over 25 years.

Jared Staver

CATEGORY: Auto Accidents, Pedestrian Accidents, Personal Injury

Collisions always seem to come out of nowhere. You’re driving along on a day like any other day. Maybe you’re headed to work or to pick up the kids from soccer practice. But suddenly, you hit something. A person steps off the curb at the wrong time or you make a turn without seeing someone in the crosswalk. You realize you’ve struck a pedestrian. The thought that you have hurt someone is terrifying. What do you do? If you were in an accident with a pedestrian, call the pedestrian accident lawyers of Staver Accident Injury Lawyers, P.C. at (312) 236-2900.

If you are in an accident with a pedestrian, you should:

  • Stop the car. If you didn’t stop immediately upon the collision, pull to the side of the road and turn off your vehicle.
  • Give first aid. Your first thought should be the health and safety of the pedestrian involved in the crash. Most likely you aren’t a trained medical professional, so don’t try to move the person or do anything behind basic first aid such as applying pressure to bleeding wounds or giving CPR.
  • Call 911. Call 911 yourself or ask someone at the scene to do so for you. It is important that the person who was hurt in the accident receive professional emergency medical care as quickly as possible. You will also need the police to come to file a report regarding the accident.
  • Exchange information. If the pedestrian is OK, exchange basic personal, contact, and insurance information. You should not hold a conversation with the person beyond this exchange. Do not admit guilt, apologize, or say you feel bad. Anything you say to the pedestrian that sounds like an admission of fault can be used against you later.
  • Cooperate with the police. It can be terrifying to be in an accident with the pedestrian. You may not be sure who caused the accident or why it happened. Answer police questions as best you can but do not admit fault to the accident.
  • Take photographs. It is possible that an accident with a pedestrian may have caused damage to your vehicle as well. Take pictures of any signs of the collision on your vehicle as well as of the surrounding area so that your attorney or insurance company may be better able to recreate the accident in the future.
  • Notify your insurance. After the pedestrian has been given aid and you’ve talked to the police, you should call your insurance company to give notice of the accident. Your insurer needs to be aware that the pedestrian may make a third-party claim against your policy.
  • Contact a lawyer. An accident with a pedestrian may lead to claims against your insurance or a personal injury claim in court. By calling a lawyer right away you can better understand your legal options.

Call Staver Accident Injury Lawyers, P.C. Right Away

If you were involved in a vehicle-pedestrian accident, there are a lot of questions you need to be answered. Do I have a case? Whose fault was the accident? Whose insurance will cover the pedestrian’s injuries? Will I get sued? The attorneys of Staver Accident Injury Lawyers, P.C. can answer all of your questions and explain the possibilities for your situation. By working with an experienced attorney, you will have someone to defend your rights and advocate for the best possible outcome.

Our car accident attorneys serve clients throughout the Chicago area, including Aurora, Elgin, Hinsdale, Joliet, Naperville, and Waukegan. Call us at (312) 236-2900 or online to schedule a free and confidential consultation.

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