Dangers of Crib Bumper Pads | Staver Accident Injury Lawyers, P.C.
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Dangers of Crib Bumper Pads

Written by Jared Staver

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Jared Staver is a Personal Injury Lawyer based in Chicago, Illinois and has been practicing law for over 25 years.

Jared Staver

CATEGORY: Product Liability

When shopping for cribs for their upcoming bundle of joy, parents often see cribs adorned with crib bumper pads. These pads tie around the slats of a crib in order to keep babies from hitting up against the sides of the crib and getting their limbs caught in the crib slats. Plus, they make a crib look adorable – but at what price?

It’s tragic, but many babies have died because of these bumper pads, which are thick and can potentially suffocate little ones. If you’ve lost a child due to a crib bumper pad, you may have a valid legal claim. Contact a Chicago product liability attorney with Staver Accident Injury Lawyers, P.C. to learn what options are available to you as a parent.

Call (312) 236-2900 for a free, initial consultation with an experienced attorney.

Why Crib Bumper Pads are Dangerous

Many parents use crib bumper pads to protect their babies, but the sad truth is that they can do more harm than good. There is no evidence that suggests that they protect babies against injuries. However, babies that roll into crib bumper pads have a high risk of becoming strangled, suffocated or trapped because they do not have the strength or motor skills to turn their heads.

Between 2006 and 2012, 23 babies were suffocated and killed by bumpers. In addition, 146 babies were injured by the bumpers.

These statistics have led local governments to take action. In September 2011, Chicago was the first city to ban crib bumpers.

New Guidelines

In order to prevent Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), parents have been told to place their baby in their crib on their back. But this is not enough.

While the American Academy of Pediatrics once recommended that parents use crib bumper pads that were thin and well-secured, it is recommended that they not be used at all. Back in 2005 – when the original statement was released – there was not enough evidence to suggest that crib bumper pads were dangerous. Today – 12 years later – many studies have shown that crib bumper pads do not need to be in cribs, especially with SIDS deaths on the rise again.

For cribs, less is better. It is recommended that babies sleep with nothing but a tightly fitted sheet. A sleep sack is also recommended but no pillows, stuffed animals, or heavy comforters that can cause suffocation.

Crib bumper pad use can prevent minor injuries, while causing death. With crib slats now narrower, there is no need for parents to place bumpers in cribs. Babies do not have the strength to seriously injure themselves by a bumper-less crib.

Speak With a Compassionate Legal Professional

It is believed that federal regulators have known for many years that crib bumper pads are unsafe, yet never informed parents of the risk. This means that manufacturers and other agencies may be liable for an infant’s death.

If your baby suffered serious injuries or even died as a result of crib bumper strangulation, seek legal action. A Chicago product liability lawyer can determine your right to compensation for your loss.
Having a baby should be a joyous occasion. If a crib bumper or other nursery product has led to injury accidents, contact Staver Accident Injury Lawyers, P.C. Our lawyers provide aggressive representation to help you achieve a favorable outcome.

Schedule a consultation with Staver Accident Injury Lawyers, P.C. today by calling (312) 236-2900.

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