Most Common Christmas Injuries | Staver Accident Injury Lawyers, P.C.
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Most Common Christmas Injuries

Written by Jared Staver

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Jared Staver is a Personal Injury Lawyer based in Chicago, Illinois and has been practicing law for over 25 years.

Jared Staver

CATEGORY: Personal Injury

Each year, 14,000 people are injured due to Christmas-related injuries. While it may be the most wonderful time of the year, it’s important to always practice safety in order to keep yourself and others safe this holiday season. Read below to find out more about the most common Christmas injuries.

If you are injured this Christmas season because of another’s carelessness, a personal injury attorney can help. Contact us right away at (312) 236-2900 to speak with an experienced lawyer at Staver Accident Injury Lawyers, P.C. and schedule your free initial consultation.

Electric Shocks

Christmas lights are lovely to look at, but many people can receive severe electric shocks when trying to put up or take down their lights. You should make sure to always follow the proper safety precautions when putting up your lights in order to prevent electrical shocks.


Lacerations often occur from touching broken tree ornaments. These fragile ornaments can easily shatter and cause a severe laceration. If you break an ornament, make sure carefully sweep or vacuum the entire room.

Deep Cuts

Those who suffer more serious wounds often report they were trying to trim their trees using a chainsaw, hacksaw, or even just a sharp box cutter. If you feel you must reshape your tree, make sure there is nothing in the way that could cause you to fall. In addition, you should keep your body parts out of the way of any sharp tools.

However, it’s not just tree-trimming that can be dangerous. If you open a gift using your pocketknife or box cutter, be extra careful and ensure the blade is going away from you while cutting.


People often suffer falls when decorating their homes. When putting lights on tree or outside, many people utilize a ladder or chair to reach higher areas. If you use a ladder this holiday season, make sure to use proper ladder safety in order to prevent any falls.

Smoke Inhalation and Burns

Nothing compares to the smell of a real Christmas tree. If you choose to purchase a real Christmas tree this holiday season, don’t forget that it needs maintenance. A dry tree can easily catch on fire. So, you should check the water level every day to make sure your tree doesn’t dry up and put you and your family in serious danger.

If you opt for a fake tree and use Christmas candles to keep your home smelling festive, make sure to never leave them unattended and to blow them out before you leave or go to bed.

How a Chicago Personal Injury Lawyer Can Help

If you are injured because of the recklessness of someone else, you should contact a Chicago personal injury attorney right away. Our experienced and knowledgeable lawyers at Staver Accident Injury Lawyers, P.C. have helped countless people recover the compensation they deserve to help them heal and move on with their lives after sustaining a serious injury.

Don’t let another’s carelessness ruin your Christmas. Call us today at (312) 236-2900 to schedule a free case evaluation with one of our attorneys. We may be able to help you recover compensation for your losses.

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