Most Common Causes of Motorcycle Accidents in Illinois | Staver Accident Injury Lawyers, P.C.
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Most Common Causes of Motorcycle Accidents in Illinois

Written by Jared Staver

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Jared Staver is a Personal Injury Lawyer based in Chicago, Illinois and has been practicing law for over 25 years.

Jared Staver

CATEGORY: Motorcycle Accidents

Motorcycles can be a great way to claim the open road, but there is always a danger posed by other drivers and road hazards.

Fortunately, it is possible to get compensation for an accident caused by someone’s negligence.

If you lost a loved one  in a fatal motorcycle accident or you were injured, you should contact a Chicago motorcycle accident lawyer from Staver Accident Injury Lawyers, P.C. Learn more about your rights and legal options.

Call (312) 236-2900 for a free consultation.

Illinois Motorcycle Accident Statistics

According to the latest data from the Illinois Department of Transportation, there were 3,275 motorcycle crashes in the state. More than 160 of those were fatal, but more than half resulted in some form of injury — 2,381.

Drivers aged 21-34 were the most likely to be involved in a crash, with men being affected across various vehicle types. Most of the state’s fatal accidents happened on “other principal arterial” roadways — long-distance connections that could be rural or urban.

This makes sense for motorcycle accidents: riders choosing to “let loose” on their throttle could easily be missed by other drivers or make a mistake.

What Were the Most Common Causes of Motorcycle Accidents in Chicago?

Like other modes of transportation, there can be several reasons why a motorcycle crashes and its rider gets injured. Some of these accidents can happen because of driver error.

However, if another driver or rider causes your injuries or causes a crash, they should be held responsible for their negligence. Here are some of the most common causes of motorcycle accidents.

Drivers Going Too Fast Causes Accidents

One of the most common factors reported in Illinois motorcycle accidents is excessive speed. This is not too surprising as speeding is a constant issue on the roads and driving too fast for the road conditions, weather, and traffic constantly causes accidents.

Speeding in construction zones is also a regular problem in Chicago and across Illinois. Speeding on a motorcycle when coming up on a turn is especially dangerous. Riders can drive into oncoming traffic or off the road.

Visibility Issues Can Cause Crashes

Motorcycle riders consistently deal with the issue of not being seen by other drivers, which leads cars to change lanes into them.

When a vehicle suddenly moves into the motorcycle’s lane, the rider must quickly veer into another lane or onto the shoulder.

This makes it much more likely that the motorcycle will collide with another vehicle or wipe out.

The Size Difference Between Cars & Motorcycles Can Cause Issues

Motorcycles are obviously much smaller than most passenger vehicles. Drivers in cars or large trucks may not notice a motorcycle changing speeds. They might misjudge the difference between them and the bike.

Taps that would have been minor to another car can have devastating effects to a motorcyclist.

Driving or Riding While Impaired Is Dangerous

Drinking and driving might seem like a common sense issue — to be safe, limit the number of alcoholic drinks you have before riding. However, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reported that motorcyclists were among the highest percentage of drunk operators compared to other drivers.

A Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) of just .05 can reduce a rider’s coordination and make steering difficult.

Other drivers can be negligent in your bike crash, but you’ll need the help of a skilled Chicago motorcycle crash attorney.

How a Chicago Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Can Help

A skilled motorcycle lawyer is a must when you’ve been hurt in a Chicago motorcycle crash. Personal injury claims can be complex, and your lawyer can reliably advocate for you.

Your attorney can investigate your crash. Knowing who is responsible for your damages or how much they contributed to your crash is crucial. Illinois is an at-fault insurance state. You can hold liable parties responsible.

Your lawyer will work to gather evidence to make a convincing case against the errant driver. You deserve to have your expenses covered because of someone else’s negligence. Your economic and non-economic losses should be paid for, and your attorney can help you calculate an accurate total.

And if necessary, your lawyer can take the at-fault parties to court to hold them accountable. Most cases settle out of court, and while each case is unique, preparing for trial shows the defendants that you are serious about getting the money you deserve.

The right attorney will consider your needs and is prepared to fight for your rights in court.

Call Staver for Help with Your Motorcycle Accident Claim

If you or a loved one was hurt in a motorcycle-vehicle accident, do not hesitate to call us at Staver Accident Injury Lawyers, P.C. for advice. We know how traumatizing your motorcycle crash was, and we’re prepared to help you get the compensation you deserve.

We’ll listen to your story, help you file your insurance claim, and work on a personal injury lawsuit if that’s the best way to get you the damages you are owed.

We fight for our clients because we care. Insurance companies should be held accountable when their clients cause crashes.

We won’t let them off of the hook. Our goal will be to obtain you the most compensation possible for your injuries and get you back on the road as soon as possible.

Call Staver Accident Injury Lawyers, P.C. today at (312) 236-2900 to schedule a free confidential consultation.

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