When you have been hurt in an accident and are now facing new and expensive bills, you need your insurance to step up and do its job. You need the insurance policies that you have dutifully paid for over the years to pay out. Whether it is the physical property damage to your car or for your many medical expenses, you expect your insurance policy to help you financially recover from the accident. But even though you have insurance and have paid the premiums, it does not automatically mean your accident is covered. You must file a claim with your insurer and wait to hear if it is approved or denied. If it is denied, you have to consider the next steps. You still need to recover, which means you have to move on to Plan B – appealing the decision. If you have had your insurance claim denied, call the experienced Chicago personal injury attorneys of Staver Accident Injury Lawyers, P.C. at (312) 600-3727.
Having your insurance claim denied can be a nightmare, but an experienced attorney will know what to do. By working with a Chicago personal injury attorney from Staver Accident Injury Lawyers, P.C., you gain an advocate who will aggressively fight for your right to recover under your insurance policy.
Contact us today at for a free consultation.