5 Things You Can Do When Dealing With Uncooperative Doctors and Insurance Companies In Illinois | Staver Accident Injury Lawyers, P.C.
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5 Things You Can Do When Dealing With Uncooperative Doctors and Insurance Companies in Illinois

Written by Jared Staver

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Jared Staver is a Personal Injury Lawyer based in Chicago, Illinois and has been practicing law for over 25 years.

Jared Staver

CATEGORY: Auto Accidents, Medical Malpractice, Nursing Home Abuse, Personal Injury

When you have been injured in an accident, you have to concentrate on getting better as well as financially recovering from the person who caused your injuries. This means dealing with insurance companies while you’re also dealing with doctors, potential treatments, and your health insurance. It’s a complicated and irritating situation to be in. To make matters worse, physicians and insurance companies aren’t always cooperative when you need them to be. If you have been in an accident and you’re having trouble working with your doctor’s offices and insurers to get the recovery you need, call the experienced Chicago personal injury attorneys at Staver Accident Injury Lawyers, P.C.

Dealing With Uncooperative Doctors and Insurers

Most of what you need to prove your claim and negotiate an appropriate settlement are medical documents and physician testimony. However, if can time-consuming to get the documentation you need from your doctor’s office, including paperwork that supports your diagnosis, treatment, and pain level. It can be more difficult to convince your doctor to testify in court. Without the evidence you need, like medical documentation and expert testimony, the insurance company may deny your claim or offer you a low-ball settlement. Even when you have this evidence, the insurer may refuse to negotiate a reasonable pay out.

When dealing with uncooperative doctors and insurance companies in Illinois you can:

  • Hire an attorney. If you have been trying to manage your personal injury claim yourself, it is time to hire an experienced personal injury lawyer. You have to concentrate on getting better, not gathering evidence to prove your injury claim to an insurance company. Let a lawyer do the leg work and heavy lifting for you.
  • File a personal injury claim. Many insurers are uncooperative because they believe that they can pressure you into a low settlement. They think you won’t want to go to court so you’ll accept whatever they offer. If you have been injured and need an appropriate recovery, be prepared to move beyond the insurance claims process and file your personal injury claim in court. Once your actual case gets going, your lawyer will be in a better position to get the insurer to cooperate with you.
  • Get a second opinion. Most personal injury claims need expert medical testimony in court to prove the extent of your damages. However, problems arise when your doctor doesn’t want to testify. Luckily, not every physician is averse to appearing in court. You and your attorney should be able to find a physician in the specialty you need who is experienced in working with insurance companies and testifying on injury victim’s behalf. Your health insurance company should have a list of preferred physicians.
  • Ask your attorney to intervene. Your attorney may need to contact your physician to discuss how necessary his or her testimony is in your situation. Sometimes all it takes is your lawyer explaining how crucial expert testimony is to your receiving a fair and appropriate settlement. Your attorney can also discuss fair compensation for the physician’s time in depositions and court.
  • Use a subpoena. If your physician refuses to testify in court regarding your injury, your attorney may need to subpoena his or her appearance. This legal document demands the doctor’s presence in court.

Contact Staver Accident Injury Lawyers, P.C. Today

If you have been injured and now you’re having trouble with your doctor or your insurance company, call a medical malpractice attorney at Staver Accident Injury Lawyers, P.C. today at or contact us online. They have years of experience acquiring the necessary medical testimony and evidence for their clients. They will fight to negotiate a beneficial settlement or win a jury award for you, so you can move forward with your life.

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