Rise In Car Accident Claims | Staver Accident Injury Lawyers, P.C.
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Rise In Car Accident Claims

Written by Jared Staver

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Jared Staver is a Personal Injury Lawyer based in Chicago, Illinois and has been practicing law for over 25 years.

Jared Staver

CATEGORY: Auto Accidents, Bike Accidents, Pedestrian Accidents, Personal Injury, Truck Accidents, Wrongful Death

Safety technology is evolving all the time, so we should be safer than ever on the road, right? A surprising surge in car accident claims and fatal accidents last year seems to point in the opposite direction. Driving is a big responsibility, and it’s important that we take it seriously and drive carefully and lawfully whenever we get behind the wheel. With a rise in accidents and in accident fatalities, it may be more important than ever to practice safe driving habits. Keep reading to learn more, and if you’ve been injured in a car accident, contact an Illinois attorney to discuss your case.

Reasons For Surge in Car Accident Claims

In 2015, accident claims surged upward after several years in a row of steady decline. In addition, the National Safety Council reported a 14% increase in fatal car accidents. What made 2015 such a dangerous year to be on the road? Experts point to a number of factors. The countrywide economic recovery in the last year or so saw more people going more places. In addition, gas prices were lower than they had been in years, so people could simply afford to be on the road more.

With more people on the road more of the time, more accidents resulted. Dangerous weather in some parts of the country during 2015 also contributed to the rise in fatal accidents.

Insurance Providers Are Increasing Premiums

The rise in accident claims has some insurance providers hurrying to raise premiums in order to offset the expense of paying on an increasingly large number of claims. Geico and Allstate, two of the three largest providers in the country, have already raised their premiums. Allstate raised its rates an average of three point nine percent. Geico intends to implement rate increases “as needed.”

Experts think this is probably just the beginning of a long period of steadily rising insurance premiums after almost a decade of steady decline. Between 2003 and 2011, the average annual expense for car insurance in the United States dropped from $1,076 to $846. The surge in accidents and accident claims will see those rates begin to rise again.

How an Illinois Lawyer Can Help

Whenever you get behind the wheel, practice safe driving habits. Be aware that accidents are on the rise, and that more drivers than ever are on the road. Minimize distractions and focus on driving. If you’ve been injured by a negligent driver, contact an Illinois lawyer to discuss your case. Staver Accident Injury Lawyers, P.C. has years of success representing car accident victims, and is ready to help you fight for the compensation you deserve. Our car accident attorneys serve clients throughout the Chicago area, including Aurora, Elgin, Hinsdale, Joliet, Naperville, and Waukegan. Call us today at (312) 236-2900 to schedule your free consultation.

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